Sunday, May 22, 2011

Perk Up Bathroom Soaps

If you're like me, you have a thousand decorative bath soaps.  You know, the kind that smells heavenly but no one ever seems to use?  I have a bunch stacked up in the bathroom and while I was brushing my teeth this morning, I thought why not give them a quick makeover?
I headed on over to The Graphics Fairy and printed out some of my favorite Paris labels.  I did not take any before pictures of the soaps but some of them were wrapped in clear plastic and the others were just wrapped in their original packaging. 
After printing out my images, I simply folded them along each soap and, gasp, taped them with regular ol' Scotch tape on the backs.  I think they look so much prettier now and make for a nice hostess or teacher's gift.

Linking to Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday, Under The Table and Dreaming: Sunday Showcase and The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday.



  1. great idea.. they look beautiful
    very crafty.

  2. Hi Jeanine, they look wonderful, and very vintage! Great idea! tami

  3. What a wonderful idea! I just got rid of some soap that nobody has used and was collecting dust! I should have saved them and made them into decorative pieces!

  4. Such a cute idea. Now if I could just get my printer to print correctly. The lamp shade you referred to came on a different lamp and I added the ruffle to the bottom. Thanks

  5. Love the new blog and love the soap wrapper idea. I am going to do that to some of my 'nekkie' soap bars too.

  6. This is a fantastic idea and one I'd like to use. I'm hoping to make my own soap soon and this would be a perfect way to present them as gifts.
    Thank you for becoming a follower, I'm honoured.
    Have a fantastic week,
    Anne xx

  7. How clever!!! Love it, and thanks for sharing....

  8. Oh, how cool is this!! Such a pretty way to display "ordinary" bar soaps from the grocery store too, rather than in those ugly commercial labels.
    XO Diane
    So glad I found your blog!

  9. What a great idea! I love the way they look, and - you are right - we all have a million of those soaps. Great use! Linda

  10. Love that they look so vintage! Great idea, thanks for sharing.

  11. so simple and elegant! wow.

  12. Fab idea! The soaps look so lovely stacked like that in their new wrappers.

  13. wonderful idea! This looks great!

  14. Oh, I love everything here---and wow, congratulations on being in ALL those magazines--how amazing!!!

  15. What an awesome idea! I have a ton of bars of soap, and i never would have thought of this! Thanks so much for the inspiration, now I know what to do with them:)

  16. This is the kind of idea I can really use. It's perfect for staging a home because the look is expensive, but the cost is almost nothing.

    Thanks so much for sharing. I found you at Between Naps on the Porch.

  17. What a terrific idea! I like your new home--looks great...

  18. What a wonderful idea!! Do you spray the paper with some sort of fixativ or coating so the ink won't smear?

  19. Great!
    And the soaps last longer when they are stored out of the package.

    barbara jean

  20. what a pretty fun wonderful easy idea! thanks for sharing!

  21. Hi Jeanine, Such a great idea to spruce up some plain bars of soap. I love the labels you have created. Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase party – I greatly appreciate it. I hope you don’t mind that I have included this in today’s features. Hope you have a lovely holiday weekend ~ Stephanie Lynn

  22. I love the new blog! I loved your old blog too, I only just found it as I'm a newby here =) I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next, take care Sally xx

  23. Hi, I'm already following your new blog. Please include me in the giveaway drawing. Thanks.

  24. What a great idea to dress up soaps, not only for display in your home, but as inexpensive gifts. I'm going to have to remember this the next time I visit my friend out of state and take her a few.

  25. As I'm a new follower I've just read this post. what a fantastic idea. I've got loads of tablets of soap I've been given, all in a basket in the bathroom, & as you mention no one ever uses. This is a definite for my to do list. Love your attitude to life. I'll certainly be reading more of your old posts. Have a great weekend.
    Barbara Lilian in France


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