Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Patriotic Clothes Pins

I typically have a bunch of leftover clothes pins floating around.  Mostly cast-offs from my Etsy shop.  You know, the ones that don't come out quite right?  Instead of tossing them, I usually paint over my oopsies and re-use them elsewhere - like for these red, white and blue pins:
I used some acrylic paint and painted each one in the appropriate colors.  I didn't have the dark blue I needed so I just improvised.  I used some sand paper to shabby up the edges.

I was thinking of drawing some stars on them but I'm far from an artist.  Stars seems easy enough but the few practice ones I did came out really bad.  Bleah! 

So this is how they will stay for now.  I'm sure I'll find some great July 4th decorations to hang with them!



  1. about adding a wooden cut out star - you can buy packages cheap at Michaels or Hobby Lobby - and just glue one on each clothes pin? It is not easy painting stars!!

  2. Patti, honey, you are a genius! =) I'm due to hit the craft store and now I can add that to my list!


  3. Love them Jeanine!! I can see old Americana photos (ofcourse I do) I like that blue and Patti's idea will look great! t. xoxoo

  4. Cute, cute! Love the sanding -- really sets them off -- and they look cute just sitting there in that tray!

  5. You stopped by my blog and wanted to follow me but couldn't find the follow option. Isn't it right above the photos of my followers? Joan@anythinggoeshre


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