Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Primping

I must confess, I love my yard this time of year.  My husband does such a wonderful job maintaining the "grounds."  I'm also reminded of some of our most favorite backyard finds:
This old pump was an upstate NY salvage find when we first got married.  I remember being terrified plopping down the $100 to get it.  It still works as we have a water hole right underneath it.  I love the little pail hanging on the spout.
My husband got this from an old boat in Cape Cod.  I don't know how he got it loaded in his car at the time but it's happily resided in our yard for years now.
Our fish pond.  Another of my husband's creations.  It's well stocked with koi and goldfish.  Some of the koi are huge!  Can you tell it rained earlier today?
Our favorite place to unwind with the boys.  Now how did that buoy end up on the ground?  Boys????!!
Some fun touches in the tea room.  Excuse the dead bug carcasses on the floor.  I'm recharging our bug vac as we speak!
Some random shots:
Freshly planted flowers in a vintage shoe shine metal tin.  A garage sale find of course.
Dried lavender from last year's "crop."  The fleurs pail is yet another garage sale score!

Pull up a chair!  A basket full of cute MyAdobe (Etsy) pillows.

Thank you and please come again - lol!  ;)



  1. No wonder you love your yard at this time of year, it looks like such a retreat for you and your family! I love that you and your husband bring home 'finds'! xoxoox

  2. Thanks for the tour of your back yard. You've got some great pieces, but my favorite is that old pump! Great find!!!

  3. Your yard is beautiful. I always wanted a water pump - we had one in our yard when I was little. Brings back great memories of pumping that delicious cold water during the heat of the summer.

  4. Your garden and back yard is very pretty. I love the pond. The vintage pump and the nautical piece look great.


  5. Love it...especially the vintage water pump!

  6. What a beautiful yard! Who wouldn't love that? The water pump is so charming too. Just love it all.


  7. Love the vintage pump!! So very cute:)

  8. love your fish pond best!
    And I'm lovin' your new blog!

    Hey I'm having my first giveaway June 15th!
    Sure hope you can join us(HappierThanAPigInMud),we are having a cookalong with the Pillsbury Doughboy and I'm giving away a Pillsbury cookbook and a doughboy.

  9. Very welcoming yard, your plants look beautiful. I can imagine spending quite a few lazy days on that hammock with a good book! And you know how much I love your tea room!!

  10. I am in love with your black and white checkerboard floor! And your yard is wonderful! I would want to spend alot of time there, too:) Hey, so excited to hear that you are using glitter (in your next post)!!


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