Sunday, July 17, 2011

LOVE Banner Giveaway

I'm a huge fan of Funkyshique on Etsy.  I recently purchased one of their beautiful LOVE burlap banners.  And as luck would have it - they sent two!  One for moi and one for YOU!
The one I'm keeping is pink and brown, the other for one lucky winner is gray and pink and every bit as irresistible as the one I'm keeping (it's already hanging in my tea room!). 

Here are the giveaway rules:

1. Of course, become a new follower if you aren't already.  Leave a comment letting me know (and let me know if you are already a follower.)  Pretty simple, right?! 

You can earn additional entries by:

1. Posting about this giveaway on your blog or put it on your sidebar and let me know in a separate comment; and/or

2. Tweet about this giveaway, let me know in a separate comment with your @ name; and/or

3. Become a follower of Okio B Designs on Facebook.

This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only (sorry!).

Winner will be chosen via on Sunday, July 24, 2011.

Winner will be announced shortly after that time and will have three days to confirm or an alternate winner will be chosen.

Good luck!

Linking to Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday.



  1. Already a follower. Will hook-up on FB.

  2. Too cute! I have the perfect spot for this.Alredy a follower.

  3. This is too cute....Pick me!
    Been a follower for a while now
    AND on facebook.


  4. Love your banner if I was to win it would go on the new door I just purchased at a yard sale that I am going to make into a headboard!!!

  5. This is so please throw my name in the hat!

    And of course I follow!

  6. What a great giveaway, I'm a new follower..I would love to win this banner. Posting on facebook now..
    Andrea in Florida

  7. You know I love to follow along with you and will be crossing my fingers...this is so cute!!

  8. I am a follower!
    That is adorable; thanks for the chance to win!

  9. I'm a new follower. This is too cute.

  10. Already a follower.. This is so cute thanks!!

  11. I'm a follower. Would love to win.


Your comments mean so much to me - thank you!