Thursday, August 11, 2011

Call Me Crazy, But...

Yes, I am already starting Halloween projects!  Halloween is by far my most favorite holiday of the year and with two boys in school this year, there will be 2 sets of class parties.  Rather than wait for the last minute, I threw caution to the wind and actually started whipping some goodies up:
These little goody bags were super easy to make.  In fact, Karen from The Graphics Fairy did a tute on them last year.  I didn't get to make them then so I was happy to this year!  I added the orange ribbon as my finishing touch.
These little tags can easily be tied onto store-bought goody bags.  I printed off the image onto cardstock, cut them out, distressed the edges a bit, added the rhinestone "eyeballs" and finished up with tea-stained seam binding.
I just love combining two faves: French and Halloween.  This great Rats de Cave label was begging to be made into a Halloween apothecary bottle.  Again, print, cut, distress and then add your rhinestones and tea-stained seam binding.

Dare I even start an official countdown to Halloween yet?!  =)  All images courtesy of The Graphics Fairy - thank you as always Karen!



  1. NOt crazy... just PREPARED! I too have started on some autumn goodies and am thinking of starting the Christmas stuff. This is not usual for me but I am trying to not be stressing at the last minute! Happy Crafting! t. xoxox

  2. We are thinking about Halloween here at my house to. Glad I'm not the only crazy Mom! My neighbor brought me over her copy of Good Housekeeping and I was delighted to see your candles in there. That is super amazing. You must be so proud! Congratulations!

  3. Since it is my birthday, count down away! : )

    Just got home this afternoon. I'm going to email you before the night is over!

  4. You are smart to get ahead of the game! I just love your great Halloween creations. The kids are going to love them too.



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