Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday's Thrifty Finds

Oh how I love popping into our local church thrift store.  They are only open on Friday, so I treat myself as much as I can each Friday.  Today did not disappoint!
The kitty was only $2.  I have to find a cute corner spot for her before my 4 year old stakes his claim for her.  He loves animals: cats and dogs being his favorite.  I also picked up some wood hangers for my Etsy shop.  The birdhouse is actually from a garage sale in Virginia.  As is the super super-8 camera.  It was $5!  Here's a close-up of it.  It still works!
I also picked up some sheet music, of course.  I never, ever turn down vintage sheet music.  The picture frames are for a Halloween makeover I have in my mind.  And lookie at the vintage books I scored!  Little Men for my little men.  They aren't in the best condition but I could not resist!
Hoping to hit some garage sales this weekend too.  This lot set me back $6.50!



  1. That camera is fantastic! I wonder if you could even buy film for it anymore; wouldn't that be a hoot to use to film the boys!

  2. I'm seriously envying your thrift store finds. I haven't found anything in awhile :(.


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