Friday, September 30, 2011

Kitchen Remodel Revealed

I'm so happy that my kitchen is finally finished!  My husband did everything himself so I can take 0 credit.  You can see a bit of the before here.  And here are the afters:
I'm soooooo happy to finally have a dishwasher!  I've gone without one for almost 11 years and I just don't how we did without!  He still has to add the curtains back up over the sink.
I have so much more cabinet space now!  And they are lower.  At 6', even I had a hard time reaching the old cabinets.  My poor husband is 5'6" so you can only imagine how hard it was for him - lol!
I'm still putting back some of the vintage goodies i.e. old signs, vintage pottery, etc. we had in here originally but I don't want to go overboard.  Neat and clean is my goal this time around!
Still trying to decide if I want to add knobs to the cabinets.  Those things are expensive and we can open them quite easily now but I almost feel like they are missing a little something-something.  We'll also be adding a little island soon to replace the old patio table and chairs we had in there.  For 11 years - ack!

So glad it's done!  One hurdle down and about 1,000 more to go!



  1. And neat and clean it is! It looks so fresh and nice! Good job for hubby; he did awesome work! I'm sure you're happy it's finally done. Now you can enjoy it!


  2. It looks great! ONe hurdle at a time, take it easy on the hubby :)
    MY daughter just called me today to tell me to go to Michaels and check out the dollar section because they have the coolest knobs. I haven't seen them yet but they did sound pretty cool. I'm thinking of a couple of projects to use them in myself!
    I think it looks good without them too, and I can completely understand wanting a clean look. My kitchen seems to collect the family clutter like it has a lifeforce of its own! t. xoxoxo

  3. It feels so good to have a project done. Looks great.

  4. It looks fresh, clean, and a touch of hometown country. Wonderful job guys :)

  5. I think it is great that you have a kitchen that functions better for you now, because we do tend to spend a fair bit of time in our kitchens. He did a great job.

  6. I think it looks awesome! Great job! So much effort goes into these remodels, but it is SO worth it!


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