Monday, October 31, 2011

Bee Box

Happy Halloween everyone!  It's been a crazy day and now that the madness has died down, I have a quickie project to show.  Remember that little candy tin I got at the church thrift store sale? Here it is now:
I bought this image off of Etsy a week or so ago, and althought I can't stand bugs, I do love to decorate with bees.  I printed it off onto some sheet music and glued it to the front of my tin.  Then I glued some scrapbook paper to the bottom and the sides.  Lastly, I hot glued some black tea-stained seam binding for the sides and back of the lid.
Not sure if you can tell but I also lined it with some French poetry book paper, which I distressed a bit.  I just couldn't resist adding a French-y touch! 

It perfectly holds my Martha Stewart Living baker's twine!

Hope everyone had a lovely and safe Halloween!  And happy birthday to my sister Kathy!



  1. Thank you! : ) Great graphic! I love the bee images, too, even though I don't love real bees. I still have some more Altoid tins to do, but I think I may make them gift card holders for Christmas.

  2. Cute idea...and I just bought that same twine over the weekend - I have been searching for some and finally found it at Miachael's...Do you miss your sister living so far away? My daughter lies in Ohio and I hate her being so far!!

  3. love your little bee box!!



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