Thursday, October 27, 2011

Embellished Ikea Picture Frame

I really love the embellished frames my sister Kathy from Creative Home Expressions makes.  In fact, she has some for sale in her Etsy shop.  Me, I'm trying to work my way through my craft room trying to use things I already have for some projects.  Since I had this white Ikea frame, I decided to make an embellished frame too:
I printed out the French script onto cardstock.  Then I printed the little crown onto the French script.  Easy enough!  I also had the little fleur de lis lying around so I painted that white and glued it to the top of the frame.
Don't you just love the look of a clean, white frame with a French touch?  I know I do!

For now it's on my little antique school desk but once I take down the Halloween decorations next week, I'll find a more permanent home for it.

I have one more frame left and one more fleur de lis.  I'm planning to do a holiday one next!



  1. I love it! The added fleur de lis is just perfect.


  2. How cute and pretty is that!!OK Why did I not know Kathy was your sis????

  3. What a great idea! I love projects where you already have all of the ingredients! The script and the crown are perfect!

  4. Well, that's great it was already white. I have no idea how I'm going to spray paint things here. I set up a small box yesterday to do the base of a cloche. Love that you used a fleur and a crown on this project!


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