Sunday, October 9, 2011

Garage Sale Basket Halloween Makeover

I picked up this little black basket at a garage sale yesterday morning.  I gave it a quick Halloween makeover last night.  Everything can easily be removed so I can use it for Thanksgiving, Xmas, etc. too:
I added a few crumpled pieces of orange tissue paper to the bottom - which came from a thrift store - and then added the sheet that is just slightly coming up from the top.  My 4 year old wanted to add the skeletons which we got from Home Goods last year.  Could have sworn I had 4 of them but we could only locate three - lol!

I tied on some orange tea-stained seam binding as a finishing touch.  We hung it on the porch.  I will be adding more photos of our porch Halloween decor this week.

Once again, a quick, easy and cheap project!  My favorite kind!



  1. love those skeletons poking out the top ... don't you love cheap finds that will work for lots of different seasons! can't wait to see the pictures of your porch :)

  2. Cute little basket Jeanine, it reminds me of the one on my front porch! Great minds... they think alike ;)

    Thanks for stopping by to look at my shed! I just put up the finishing touches pictures if you want to go take a look again!



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