Friday, November 18, 2011

Basket O' Book Stacks

***Don't forget to enter my giveaway here!***

This basket sits in my livingroom and normally holds all of my favorite magazines: Country Living, Romantic Homes, Martha Stewart Living, etc.  I wanted to make it a little more exciting so I turned it into a basket o' book stacks:
I picked up some old books this morning from the church thrift store and started tearing them apart once I got home.  Once they looked good and old, I tied them together with some twine and added them to the basket.
The book stack in the front with the flower is one I bought off of Etsy a couple of years ago.  I love the colors in the book stack to the left so I kept them as is.  The one to the right I made last year and features some crowns from The Graphics Fairy.

Yup, I think this looks much better and my magazines are safely tucked in under the stacks!



  1. I love vintage book bundles, too, and yours look great heaped in your neat basket! Love that crown paper, sounds like I need to print some out, too!

  2. I love how you are displaying the book stacks in the basket. If you are like me you have stacks and stacks of decorating magazines hidden all over the place! LOL!


  3. Hi...You are the winner of my burlap stocking giveaway! (My husband picked your #) Send me your addy and I will mail them out this week! patti

  4. Love all of these and how you arranged them in the basket!


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