Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Touches of Glitter

I'm not the biggest fan of working with glitter.  Mainly because I always seem to make a mess with it.  But I do love the look in the end.  This week I broke out my German glass glitter and some Martha Stewart glitter for some quick Xmas touches.  First up is this old pocketwatch:
I've seen this look on Etsy and wanted to take a crack at it so when my husband dug up this old watch, I immediately staked my claim!
I covered the top part and part of the front with Mod Podge, and then I dipped the watch into my German glitter glass.  I love the icy/snow affect the glitter glass adds to it!  It's hanging from a piece of that plaid fabric that is quickly becoming my go to for holiday projects.
These little birdies are from Ikea.  They come in a package of 4 in plain white for something like $4.99.  When I saw them, I knew I wanted to give them a quick sheet music makeover.  I also added the French stamps and gave them a generous coating of the Martha Stewart glitter.  I left the backs plain - just with the sheet music.  I think they have a Pottery Barnish feel to them with the sheet music, don't you?



  1. Glitter always adds such a pretty touch! I love those!

  2. OH if only I had a pocket watch! That is gorgeous! t.xoxoox

  3. There is something so magical when it's decorated in glitter.



  4. it's starting to look like awinter wonderfuland in your home. The glitter on the watch really looks beautiful and done so well.

  5. Cool idea for the pocket watch! I hate working with glitter, too. It always seems to get all over the place, even after it's been applied! I do like the effect though.


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