Tuesday, December 6, 2011

$2 Dollar Xmas Gift and Xmas Peat Pot

In the midst of all of my holiday shopping madness, I sat down over the weekend and made myself a little something for all of $2!  Yup, I'm such a big spender - lol:
This is a simple Dollar Store prayer candle with a fabulous Keep Calm and Carry On image that I got off of Etsy for...$1 (graphique.etsy.com) that I Mod Podged on.  I am keeping to a tight Xmas gift budget this year but figured I could splurge $2 on myself.  I even had the little rhinestone on hand for the crown embellishment.
It's the little things that sometimes make you very happy - and calm! - during the holiday madness.  And I think it would make for a sweet gift for perhaps a teacher, an Aunt, Grandma or Mom.
I'm also in the midst of playing around with decorations for my Xmas table.  The little stack of books is from Home Goods.  I painted a peat pot white for a shabby, chippy look and filled it with shredded sheet music.  The little button embellishments I got from a giveaway last year.  And I couldn't resist adding the French script, tea-stained seam binding and little crown.
My 6 year old suggested adding the little bird since he thought it looked like an Xmas nest.  I couldn't agree more!

Linking to Faded Charm: White Wednesday.



  1. Cute ideas - and I love that they are quick and inexpensive! The stack of books is so pretty!

  2. Quite the smart 6 year old! : ) The bird suits it perfectly.

  3. Looks like we are on the same creative wavelength again! I'm just about to do a post about jar candles that I made. Yours turned out great, and your peat pot turned nest is adorable! One of these days I need to get me some peat pots:)

  4. Hi Jeanine! Thanks for coming by Motley Junket for a visit! Love your Keep Calm candle....quite clever!! and thrifty too!!


  5. Your Peat Pot is Adorable! But I have to say I love it all!
    Thank you for sharing and your Sweet Visit to my Blog!
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    Warm Regards
    I'm a Follower too!

  6. Like it all. I just saw those candles at DT and thought I could/should do something with them. Now a follower!

  7. very sweet little pot and bird!



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