Monday, December 19, 2011

Alice in Wonderland Votives

I just love this tea party image from Alice in Wonderland!  I saw on Pinterest that someone had taken a beautiful black and white photo and added it to a votive with Avery see-through paper.  I had a couple of sheets handy, so I made these:
Here they are without the candles.  Can you see the little rhinestone embellishments?  If you haven't tried the Avery see-through paper yet, it's really great.  Just put in your printer glossy side down and pick an image to print.  Once it's printed, you can easily cut out your image and stick it to anything!
Here they are with some faux candles.
And with the lights off.

I can't wait to add them to my tea room this Spring!



  1. I love those!! I've never heard of that paper.....think I'm going to have to find me some of it :)

  2. I love the vintage Alice prints. I once used several of them for a mad hatter themed shower. The votives look great!

  3. Sweet and clever project. Looks great. Diane

  4. Wow, that prints out so nicely! I really need to catch up on the papers that are out there. I just found out that there is chalkboard paper ~ on a roll!

  5. Avery See Through paper is on my list. Thanks for the tip! Your candles are so sweet!

  6. Be still my beating heart! Never heard of that paper, but you can bet I am running out to find some tomorrow! (And then unfortunatly, it will sit in some drawer for the next five months, but when I finally get around to figuring out an image, I will be ready!)

    Love this, so adorable! What great little hostess gifts!


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