Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Two Little Lovebirds

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  I can't believe how fast it came and went.  Today was so dreary here that me and the kids actually started taking some decorations down.  Then we hit Target for some lights for next year.  Somehow I came home with two of these pretties:

Yup, Target already has some Valentine's Day items out.  So of course that made me start working on a Valentine's Day windowsill for the kitchen.

The pink glasses are actually candle holders from Ikea that I picked up last year.
And some of the reds that I had out for Christmas, I keep out for Valentine's Day.  How cute is that little heart pen?  In the dollar aisle!

My husband thinks I'm crazy but when in Rome, right?!  Besides, Target started it - not me!



  1. You are so funny...I can always count on you being the first to think of Valentine's Day!! I also keep a few "reds" out for this holiday....and our tree is coming down tomorrow - I am anxious to get my home back in order :-)

  2. Yeah, blame it on Target :) My mind has totally jumped to Valentine's Day, so I guess that's how we roll (as my teen would say), right? It'll be here before you know it!~


  3. hahaha...your last sentence cracked me up!! I say, EXACTLY! I will here and now admit that I started a Valentine/Love theme project just a few days before Christmas and am working on it now. Same thing...right?

  4. As I was putting my Christmas crafting supplies away, I took out my Valentine "stuff"...let's see how quickly I use them!

  5. OH MY GOSH--You are ready for Valentine's Day!!! This is awesome! And I adore all your treasures and that candle with "Carry On" is amazing!

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. I know....I went out yesterday, hoping to find some Christmas stuff like wrapping paper, ribbon, etc. and nearly everything was gone....bummer. I haven't quite started thinking Valentine yet though. :) Happy New Year


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