Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Vintage French Hanky

Note to self: iron your fabric before attempting to hand-stamp it!  I'm a victim of my own laziness for this next project.  I wanted to give a French touch to this vintage hanky so I broke out the stamps and got busy:
But as you can see, I did not think to iron it beforehand.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I did think: maybe I should iron this first.  Alas, laziness won out and if you look closely, you can see one of my red stamps is a bit funky.
I had planned to add this to my Etsy shop but because of that oopsie, I'm going to add it to our guest room decor instead.
So the moral of my story is, if you have a vision in your head that includes wrinkled fabric, be sure to iron it first!
And by the way, I took these photos AFTER I finally ironed the hanky.  I do not love to iron.  =)



  1. That turned out really pretty! I'll bet you could fold it to look like an envelope, too.

  2. What a great idea. I did a link back to your blog in my last post.
    It was about shredded sheet music.

  3. Love this!
    A friend recently was invited to a wedding in Paris and vintage hankies were used with the invitation printed on them!

  4. This is so cute! What a cute idea!


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