Sunday, January 29, 2012

Petite Picture Frames

I never ever pass up the bargain aisle at our local Michael's.  It's filled with treats usually starting at $1 up to no more than say $5.  I scooped up a bunch of these pretty shabby frames with my store credit and gave each a French touch:
I love the shabby, chippy feel of it.  I added the faux pearls and flower embellishment.  It would not be complete without the fabulous French image from The Graphics Fairy.

Since Blogger is not letting me upload photos for some reason, I'll show the others in another post.  Argh, Blogger!

Linking to The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday, Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday and Faded Charm: White Wednesday.



  1. So pretty! Love the chippy finish! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. This is beautiful,Jeanine!
    Looking forward to see the rest of pics :)

  3. How pretty! I've got a bunch of these in different colors just sitting in a basket waiting for me to do something with them. I can't resist them, though, when I go into Michaels, so I always wind up adding another 2 or 3 to my basket!

  4. You can't EVER pass up the bargain aisle..never know what we'll find. :)
    A few blog friends and I are hosting our first link party tomorrow to finish off the Imagine the Impossibilities Challenge, we go live at 7amET. Today I revealed my project for the challenge, a gallery wall with only one screw in the wall. I'd love if you could come by to check it out and link up!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog = your newest follower

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog, leaving such a nice comment and becoming a follower. Your frame is lovely! I have become a follower and look forward to reading your future posts. Regards.

  6. Hi-
    Guess we lost touch..joined, finally so now i'll get your posts, too♥

  7. Great job, sometimes you can score in those bins, if you put a bit of handiwork into it!! Pearls are a great touch! Happy White Wednesday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  8. Can never pass up the bargain aisle can we? Just never know what little treasures we might find. You found some and made something precious of them. So pretty.


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