Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spring Touches

There is less than a month until the official start of Spring.  Although we've had a relatively mild winter here, I am sooooooo ready for Spring!  I started adding some seasonal touches to the homestead yesterday.  Putting them out immediately made me feel much perkier!
I have to thank my sister Kathy (Creative Home Expressions) for my acquiring these little cloches.  I have been admiring them on her blog for over a year and I finally bought the trio for myself.  I have them set up on the diningroom table with some eggs I bought from Sav-On-Crafts last year:
This beat up garage sale scale got a nest as well!
It just kind of hangs out on our stairs.
I made this quick little ruffle-bottom tea towel with our last name initial during the week.  The towel is from the dollar store.  Since I gave up on trying to learn to make ruffles, I did the next best thing.  I ordered some ruffle trim from Jo-Ann's!
And my husband kept reminding me to post this Valentine's Day sheet music flower he made for me after seeing a tutorial on Yahoo.  Ain't he cute?!  Nevermind that mess though in my kitchen!

I'm trying to pace myself with putting out our Easter decorations, but knowing me, they'll be up in a week!



  1. Go for it, put up those Easter decorations today!! :) Winter is a season we have to have, but I'm always glad when it's over and there is warmth in the air and colour in the garden.
    Enjoy your Sunday,
    Anne xx

  2. How sweet of your hubby! Tell him he did an awesome job making the flower:) I adore cloches, and combining them with birds nests make them even more special!! Oh, love your pretty glass plate it's sitting on, too!!

  3. I thought that cloche looked familiar! They're cute, aren't they? Thank God, we seem to have had a mild winter ~ both of us. Although, we've had little fluffs of snow off and on all day but it's nothing, and the sun is out and bright.

    Isn't he so cute! You better watch out he doesn't start taking over your craft room! : ) Tell him he did a great job on that flower and what a great idea to make you for Valentine's Day.

  4. He made you a romantic!
    Looking forward to spring here too!

  5. Cute and creative hubby - is your hubby like mine - always teasing me about blogging until HE comes up with a good post idea - then wants to be featured?? silly men!

  6. awww, he made you that flower? That is just about the sweetest thing ever!! i just went to open sew yesterday and learned how to make ruffles! i plan on spending today ruffling up a storm!!


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