Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thrifty Finds

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!  We're gearing up for the Superbowl tomorrow.  Rooting for our Giants!  While trying to pick up some Giants' gear for the kids, I popped into my favorite church thrift store yesterday.  I picked up a few goodies for $5:
The oval frames I have planned for a Pottery Barn knock-off.  The little teacups I'm hoping to use for pincushions for my Etsy shop.  The big hatbox is going to get a French-y makeover, while the little wedding cake candles I'm still thinking about.
This morning, we popped into Home Goods and I picked up this vintage-style rack for my 6 year's old room.  He loves that he now has a "cool" place to put all of his books.  I promised I'd make some tags for the slots.  We're still deciding on numbers (my vote) or words (his vote).  No sure who's going to win that battle.  Speaking of battles, let's go Giants!



  1. Great thifty finds...I haven't been thifting in so long (I've only taken things to drop off). Love the rack for your son's room :)

  2. Love the vintage looking rack!
    Should be a great game...go Patriots!

  3. What awesome finds and I LOVE the
    Vintage looking rack! Sweet!


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