Saturday, March 10, 2012

Framed Kitchen Utensils

I seem to have a large stash of white frames in the house.  I didn't realize just how many I had until I decided to make these framed fork, knife and spoon prints for the kitchen:
You've probably seen these images on The Graphics Fairy.  I had filed them away on my computer, planning to do some napkins or placements with them but when I flipped through the premier issue of Vintage Style magazine, I saw a framed spoon print and decided to copycat!
The frames are mostly from garage sales and thankfully, I had already painted them white.  I printed out the images onto cardstock.  I had to crop the fork, knife and spoon image to get a single spoon image.  I really love how they look over this window in our kitchen and the fact that it cost me $0 to make them!

Linking to The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday.



  1. Looks great!
    I just borrowed a copy of Vintage Style from my friend, looking forward to relaxing with it this evening!

  2. And the frames sizes work perfectly for the way you printed them, too! Very cute! I'm seeing the really large canvas ones in stores all over the place.

  3. it is such a trendy look right now. I love it..


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