Sunday, March 4, 2012

French Votive

I popped into Michael's earlier this week for some odds and ends.  I had been admiring the wax seals in the bridal section for some time.  I finally caved and bought some wax and a fleur de lis stamper.  They were only $4.99 each.  Last night I used them for this quick French votive:
I used some vintage French book paper to wrap around the votive.  I distressed the paper edges a bit to give it an even more worn look.  Then I used a glue dot to keep the two ends together.
I have to admit, the wax was a little tricky to work with.  You can't burn it - it will turn black in the blink of an eye.  So you have to keep the flame at a good distance.  Then you have to worry about it dripping all over the place - ack!  If the wax is uneven, the stamper image will be off.
It took me about three tries to get it as close to perfect as possible.  I do love the look and think I will try the red wax next to make it pop.

Linking to Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday.



  1. i do the same thing... I see something and then only until I weaken do I spring for it! The wax seal looks awesome on the votive. I was given some as a gift last year and Hannah has used them, but the seals are not my favorite. Your idea to put them on something other than an envelope is perfect!

  2. It looks pretty! I think I'll leave anything that melts, other than my hot glue gun, alone. I've gotten too many burns just with that!

  3. I love this idea! I have a seal that I don`t know if I have ever used but this would be perfect for it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Visiting from BNOTP. I love your little votive holder! It has a classic look and you did a great job!

  5. Oh, I love what you have done here. The wax is an unexpected but lovely touch. Thanks for sharing, liz


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