Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fleur de Lis Candlesticks

Ever start a project and end up scratching your head halfway through?  That's what happened to me with these fleur de lis candlesticks.  I picked them up from a thrift store last week.  They were originally white but a little grungy.  I thought they would look good with a chocolate brown makeover but...
They went back to white.  I did indeed paint them brown but it was a flat brown and they looked, well, icky.  So I gave them a fresh coat of gloss white over the brown.  I did just one coat because I did want some of the brown to show through for an aged look.
Not sure if you can see remnants of the brown peeking through in my photos.
I added some French script candles to them.  The ones from my Etsy shop fit quite nicely.  I may have to use these for props when photographing them!

So three coats of spray paint later and I'm back to white.  At least it's not the original grungy white.



  1. wow these are beautiful. I love DIY works, in ömy last post I posted the cute stuff my mom made for me. I hope you'll check it out :)

  2. So glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does stuff like that! I do love them white, and your candles are the perfect Frenchy addition! Oooh, la, la:)

  3. I really can't imagine brown candlesticks. They scream white to me. :) I love 'em!
    Anne xx

  4. ohhh I do that kind of thing all the time! I think they turned out great and I would keep those candles in them for a prop and then mention them in the listing as a separate listing and maybe you will have a double sale! t.xoxo

  5. They look good esp with the candles
    Thanks for your sweet post to my blog.


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