Thursday, May 3, 2012

Quick Mother's Day Gift

Yup, still rainy and chilly in our neck of the woods.  Sigh!  The upside is when you're trapped in the house all day, you get a jumpstart on some Mother's Day gifts:
I made these little wood silhouettes of my boys for their Grandma today.  I bought the wood pieces at Michael's and gave them a few coats of aqua paint.  Then I took some profile shots of the boys.  I printed them out on plain paper and cut them out.  Then I used the cut-out photo as a pattern for my black cardstock.
I simply glued them on and done!  It's a small little gift, I'm sure my Mom will love!  The boys had fun guessing who was who in the silhouettes.  The 4 year old picked himself out immediately.



  1. Very cute! I'm sure she'll love them!

    It better stop before I get there. My intention is to just bring a carry-on bag and that means small clothes and that means shorts!

  2. great idea. Did you modpode over them?

  3. Those are just the sweetest Mother's Day gifts. I'm sure Grandma will cherish them. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This is about the 5th blog with someone commenting on the non-stop rain :) Here TOO! And we're all inside working on our projects -- your silhouettes are so clever and I know will be a treasure for their grandma!


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