Friday, June 1, 2012

Wooden Spools & Woman's World Etsy Coupon

I've had these tall wooden spools for a few years now.  I purchased them from Home Goods and they originally had a country motif.  I was in the mood for a change so I stripped them down and gave them a quickie French makeover:
I printed my images onto Avery label paper.  After cutting them to size, I simply stuck each image on and added rhinestones to each crown.  For one of them, I added some wire to make a small picture holder.
The Avery paper gives them both a nice frosted and aged look, I think.  Although I think I still have some air gaps to flatten out.
Also, if you subscribe to Woman's World magazine, maybe you saw the coupon for my Etsy shop! 
I am the second coupon/photo.  Twenty percent off using code: WWMAG12.  It's valid for 30 days.  =)



  1. Wow...big time! Now you have coupons - love it! And your spools are adorable.

  2. cute!! I have a bunch of those vintage spools in the garage...somewhere! =)


  3. Congrats on your feature in Woman's World! Love all of the wonderful Frenchy images you used, what great makeovers!


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