Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Home Goods-ies and Blogger Photo Quota?!

I was in need of a little retail therapy yesterday, so I popped into our local Home Goods.  Here's what I found:
I'm not sure if this crown is a candleholder but I added it to my French tray.  I put one of these petite cloches inside.
The religious tag I picked up at the local church thrift store on Friday. 

They also had quite a few dress forms.  However, Blogger is telling me I've reached my photo quota (?).  So until I figure out what is going on with that, I can't load anymore photos. 

Has that happened to anyone else?????



  1. That is a really cool crown and I love the addition of the small cloches.
    Awhile back Blogger informed me I was at my photo limit. I think I paid a very small amount for more space.
    Happy 4th!

  2. Just a suggestion..use your images within the blog..that doesn't seem to bother the site as much as separate ones...so far, at least...

  3. I often wondered if there was a limit! ... i must be getting close, too! Happy 4th!

  4. I just love your found treasures!!! About the photo limit..I've been blogging for over five years now and have to buy more storage space every year because my blog is loaded with pics. Mine is 20.00 a year that I pay to Google for Picasa storage...yours may end up being less though ~ it's worth it to me as my blog is free and I love for all of my photos to still be there even when the posts are years old! Hope this helped :) xxoo, Dawn

  5. Cute crown! I have never had that come up. Maybe because I do my posts in Live Writer ~ I don't know.

  6. Love the crown, and the little glass cloches are so sweet. Gotta love Home Goods!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet comments, Mary Alice

  7. All your pictures from your blog automatically gets stored in Picasa. To view them log into Picasa with your gmail account and password. After logging, go to the bottom of the page you should be able to see how much storage space(MB) you have been allowed and how much you have used up thus far. I'm allowed 10 MB and I have used 1 percent. If you have used a lot try editing and removing pictures you have no use or pictures that are not blog related, try deleting those pictures. You will be surprised how many unrelated pictures gets stored there without your knowing and not even blog related, try eliminating those pictures, it will free up space in your storage space.It is time consuming to go through each and every picture to determine which to delete and which to keep but it does free up space.You should not have to pay any money to google. I hope this works for you:) Best of Luck! Loving your new crown and a beautiful vignette on the Frenchie tray! Happy 4th to you and yours~Poppy


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