Monday, July 23, 2012

Take a Peek...

I didn't participate in the Where Bloggers Create party - even though I really, really wanted to.  You see, my craft room also doubles as my office for my day job.  Still, I wanted to give a small peek inside where I do most of my crafting:
When you enter, you walk past two big cabinets.  I just got this frame at an estate sale.  I was going to paint it until I noticed it matches perfectly with this French calendar page.  I hung it between the two cabinets.  Mind you, the photo is not crooked.  I am!
I have this gorgeous French tote hanging from one my many bulletin boards.
This is a filing cabinet with a wood laminate finish.  I use the top to store some crafting goodies.
For a small space, I have shelves galore!
See what I mean?!  And of course, my boys' artwork is hung all about.
This giant bulletin board holds a little bit of this and that: photos (old and new), fabric, thank you notes, etc.

It's still a work in progress and I'm hoping to have it more dolled up for the next Where Bloggers Create party - so I can actually join!



  1. I love the paris print and your crafting supplies are all beautifully displayed and organized. Love that double decker wire basket too.


  2. Great tiered stands! I love those ~ I can only really fit the one right now, but I wish I could have more. So, you join in next year. The good thing about these types of linky's is it can get you moving on things you'd like to do and there are so many great ideas.


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