Thursday, August 2, 2012

Petite Marie Antoinette Chairs

A couple of days ago, I picked up some petite, metal, hanging chairs from Goodwill.  They were red and black - not quite my top color choices.  So today I gave them a shabby makeover:
I gave them a coat of white spray paint before I broke out the pink.  Once that was dry, I printed out this Marie Antoinette image I bought off of Etsy a month or so ago onto white cardstock.
I cut each picture to fit the little slots each chair has.
Then I added some faux flowers to the top of each photo, and a rhinestone on each cake.  The image is exactly the same - except I reversed one of them so they would look like they were facing each other.

I'm really happy with how they turned out.  For $5, I think I have two sweet, new, Frenchy decorations for the house.



  1. They turned out great! I like them much better pink than black!

  2. Oooh, la, la! Your chairs are just adorable! So much better than the original red and black! I never would have thought to give them the "Marie" treatment! Love!!!

  3. AwwWw They are really cute :) Love them...

  4. AwW The charis are adorable.. my 2 little girls would love them :)


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