Friday, September 7, 2012

"Boo" Blocks

TGIF!  I don't know about you but I seem to be having problems uploading photos to Blogger.  Some invalid server message keeps popping up?!  Very frustrating as it only happens on one computer - not the others and of course it's the computer I use to blog with.

Anywho, yesterday, I came across some wood blocks that somehow ended up in our garage (oh, honey????).  I gave them a quick "Boo" makeover.
I only had three so I was definitely limited on what I could do with them.  I painted each block black first.  Then I glued on some random spooky-ish craft paper that I've had for a while.  Sometimes it pays off to keep those little scraps destined for the circular file. 
I used my Cricut to cut out the letters and glued them to the front of each block.  Voila!  Done!

I'm hoping to hit some garage sales this weekend so I don't bore anybody with continual Halloween posts!



  1. Hi Jeanine,
    you always come up with the greates
    ideas.Have fun at the garage sales.
    XO Marie

  2. Totally LOVE IT! I have several blocks (square) that I'm hoping to do something special with this Christmas. Your idea has helped put me on the right track.

    Now girly...share your Train Case when you are done! SUCH FUN!


  3. these are so cute! I haven't had any problem uploading's always frustrating when things like that happen!


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