Friday, September 28, 2012

Halloween Touches

It's quite the rainy, dreary day here.  Perfect for sharing some Halloween decorations that I've put up so far.  Won't you come in...
I've been wanting to do this mice look for two years.  I bought some of the cut-outs from the Dollar Store and the others I did with my Cricut.  The boys love how they seem to be leading up to the 5 year olds room.
This shelf is by our front door.  I have to be careful not to put anything glass or breakable up there because things have a way of slipping off.  The white pitcher is holding some tree branches that I spray painted black for an eerie look.
I picked up this little witches hat at the Bellmore Street Fair last weekend.  The little wood tray is an upcycled thrift store find.
The skull snow globe I found at Home Goods and the tall industrial clip is from Decor Steals.  I have to add a creepy picture to it.
I love this little antique desk.  It sits in a corner of our diningroom and I love decorating it each season.
This tray normally holds some eggs and petite nests.  Now it's home to a trio of skulls.

I'll be adding more photos in the next few days as Blogger is once again telling me I've reached my photo limit.  Argh!



  1. Those mice on your stairs are really cute! I'll bet the boys get a kick out of them.

  2. Love the mice! and all your decorations are so unique - your boys must love it all!


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