Tuesday, September 25, 2012

White Wednesday

Sometimes I like to keep it simple.

I bought some ceramic pumpkins from the Dollar Store last year.  The colors were a bit drab, so I painted two of them white last weekend and love them now!

I put one ontop of a vintage desk and this one I added to an upcycled Goodwill cloche that sits on my kitchen counter.  I added the word fall to a coffee baked tag.

I love the simplicity!



  1. Haha! Wait until you see my post for the copycat party at Debbie's. I used a "fall" tag, too! {Get out of my head!} : )

  2. Lol! Apparently great sisters' minds think alike!


  3. I love the simplicity of it too. Happy WW

  4. I LOVE it Jeanine. The simplicity speaks, no screams, to my heart : )
    ~ Deanna

  5. Hi Jeanine,

    Love the lace doily and the glass cover. Have similar white doilies around my house and will not remove them, even though some think I should! To me, they are a cozy comfort - add a cinnamon coffee cake and a cup of tea and I'm in heaven!

    Thanks for visiting and the lovely comment.

    Following you, too!


  6. I love it, too...such a great idea to paint the pumpkins!


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