Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday's Garage Sale Finds

Not exactly a banner garage sale day in this neck of the woods.  Maybe because it's been raining on and off all week?!  I did manage to pick up a few goodies this morning:
Of course, you know I never, ever pass up vintage sheet music.  I got two of them today.  The Romeo & Juliet book was a dime!  And not sure if you can tell but that little black thing is a candleholder you can mount to the wall.  I'll be painting that white.
Wrapping paper is another item I never pass up at garage sales.  These were only 50 cents each.  I like all of the compartments in the wicker basket.  For $1, it will be getting a robin's egg blue makeover to match the utensil basket I did over the summer.

I spent about $8 on everything.  This weekend we're hoping to hit Brooklyn Flea. I'm sure it'll be crazy overpriced but since we live so close to Brooklyn, I want to go just to experience it!



  1. Nice finds! Love the book and the sectioned basket. That will make a nice partner to your utensil basket.

  2. Good stuff! Particularly love the basket, they are so practical and usable with sections...
    Brooklyn...I can only fantasize about that...the Flea Market there is considered one of the best in N. America..hope you find some great bargains!


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