Friday, November 23, 2012

$5 Angel Wings

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Wanted to share some cute feather angel wings I came across on Pinterest.  I wanted to add wings to each chair for our diningroom this year.  These were a little smaller than expected but still cute to display for the holidays.
I love how they look over a mirror.  This is in our bedroom.  But see how small the wings are? 
I bought four of them and I'm adding them randomly throughout the house.  Still on the hunt for bigger ones for the diningroom chairs.  Wish me luck!



  1. I have the exact same ones I think, from the Curious Sofa online shop. I was expecting them to be a bit bigger also.

    How big are you looking for? I came across these a while back.

  2. I love that look with the wings on the back of chairs, too. Good luck finding a size that works {and that is a reasonable price}. These are cute though and I'm sure you'll find some places to put them.

  3. I found larger ones at a party decorating on line shop. I can't think of the name of it. I'll try and find the source for you.

    Love the little wings on the mirror.


  4. So cute!!! We've been selling similar ones at the shop for the past few holidays. I think mine are a bit bigger, I'll have to peek!


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