Thursday, November 8, 2012

And the Winner Is...

Still no internet/phone/tv which means NO real blogging.  I'm dying over here!  Lots of projects to post but I have to schlep to the library for internet access.  Thankfully, the power came back on yesterday.  No cable though.

Anywho, the winner of the candle as picked by is Patti from Pandora's Box!  Patti, you lucky lady you, I think you won my very first giveaway a couple of years ago!  =)

Email me your info but it'll probably be another week before I can send.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Miss you ALL!



  1. I've been wondering if you had electricity yet...How discouraging! Hopefully the rest of the winter will bypass LI ! I am so excited to be the winner - thanks, and yes, we met because of your first giveaway - seems like a long time ago! Put this on the bottom of your "to-do" list because I am sure there are many other things for you to be worrying about right now - wishing you the best! Stay warm!


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