Monday, December 3, 2012

Ikea Tart Tins Redo

Ikea has these sweet tart tin ornaments.  I forgot to take a before photo but they had a red gingham pattern in the middle and red ribbon to hang them.  I decided to give mine a Frenchy touch:
I used some distressed vintage French book paper for the centers.  My Cricut didn't have the exact circle size so my circles are a little smaller than the centers. 
Once I glued the paper in, I added some enamel number tags and some little pink rhinestones.
I switched out the ribbon with some twine for a more rustic look.

They come in a pack of four but my 5 year old appears to have run off with the other two.  Once I find them, I'm going to make a couple more.



  1. sweet! I have a bunch of tins like this that I got at a yard sale... love this idea!!

  2. I wish Ikea was closer to us, I'd run out and buy a bunch of these! Love the Frenchy twist you gave them, the enamel numbers are perfect!

  3. These turned out great. I have so many of those little tins but just can't seem to come up with a cute idea. Thanks for the inspiration!!


  4. Adorable Jeanine! I think I need to try this, I have some of those tins someplace!

  5. These are adorable...I like your Frenchy version much better. Good idea to use the twine, and the rhinestones give them some added sparkle.


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