Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone.  I'm welcoming 2013 with open arms as 2012 definitely had its ups and downs for me.  We survived Sandy and 12 days with no power - definitely a downer.  My 5 year old started kindergarten - both an upper and downer.  I could go on and on.

My outlook for 2013 is much brighter and I've made just a few new year's resolutions that I hope to stick with: 1. Stop spending money on things we don't need; 2. Get more organized; 3. Pay it forward whenever possible; 4. Quit smoking and 5. Be more patient and understanding.

Not a huge list but one I plan on trying my best at achieving.  What are some of your resolutions?

Happy new year!


*Image courtesy of The Graphics Fairy.


  1. sounds like a doable list to me.
    happy new year.
    we too had ups and downs but we have much to be thankful for.

  2. It looks just like MY LIST - especially spending money - - wished we lived together because we could help each other out!! I find that blogging makes me spend money because I love trying new ideas and then end up with something I don't want or need! And I need to stay out of the thrift shops!! Good luck on your resolutions!

  3. Sounds like some great resolutions! I'm ready for a new year too, as 2012 was challenging here, as well! I don't make actual resolutions (too hard for me to keep!), but I do want to try and worry less. And like you said, I don't want to buy things I don't need! Happy New Year!


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