Friday, December 7, 2012

Wood Santa by Dad

I wanted to share this beautiful wood Santa my dad made a few years ago.  They came to visit yesterday bringing me lots of homemade soup for my cold, as well as this big guy:
My father hand-cut and handpainted each and every piece on it.  The mittens and star are attached to pegs in the middle.
Look at his attention to detail.
These photos don't do it justice as it's kind of another funky, overcast day here today.  I wish I had an ounce of his artistic talents.  I like to think I got the creativity gene but I can't draw to save my life and my handwriting is atrocious.  Sigh!  At least I can enjoy his hard work!



  1. How nice to have an artistic father who makes wonderful things for you..
    I am artistic, my father wasn't, and every time I would draw or paint something it would go father would hoard everything!
    This went on 'til I left home..he's gone now, but it was very nice to be so appreciated...

  2. Oh my gosh, that is so cute! I love it! He makes the best things!


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