Sunday, January 6, 2013

French Pierrot Clown Stars

I had an extra box of these tin stars I got from Ikea before Christmas.  I wanted to add a Valentine's Day touch to them so I headed over to The Graphics Fairy for these wonderful French pierrot clown images.
I printed them out onto cardstock and used Glue Dots to stick them on.  I'm debating on whether or not to add red tea-stained seam binding or leave the twine.  I kind of like the twine.
I'm displaying them in this cloche that I had filled with some pine cones for Xmas.
It was a garage sale find from the summer.  I painted it white and added the Paris postmark - which is coincidentally also from The Graphics Fairy.  They fit perfectly!

Really hoping Blogger gets its act together this week.  I'm not sure if you've been having issues with uploading photos but I have...again.  You have to add them using html which is such a pain for me.  Sigh!

Linking to The Graphics Fairy: Brag Monday and Between Naps on the Porch: Met Monday.



  1. love it as always I too have had issues changed to google chrome and it fixed it.

  2. clever girl
    I have some catching up to do here.


  3. So cute! I just love those images, too! I have got to get to Ikea at some point.

    You should definitely try Live Writer. I have never had any of these blogger issues using it. You will love it once you start using it.


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