Monday, February 4, 2013

Dreaming of Spring

Another chilly day here.  A bit of snow is still on the ground.  The ground hog in this neck of the woods saw his shadow on Saturday and you know what that means: 6 more weeks of winter.  Sigh!  I'm so ready for spring.
I'm thinking about warmer days, blue skies and all of the projects I have waiting for spray paint or chalk paint.  Too cold to do them.
Dreaming of my toes in the sand, running around outside with the boys and wearing cute shorts.  Wishing I could pack my bulky sweaters away - at least until next year.
Oh yes, I am ready for spring!



  1. Oh well, at least you can bring a little bit of Spring into your house! Our warmest day this week is forecast to be 42. I'm getting a little tired of the "flurries" now.

  2. I have outdoor projects I'd like to get to as well. Love your little vignette.

  3. Hang in there! Just think how much more you will appreciate Spring having endured the Winter. Easy for me to say from South Florida. I wouldn't mind a little bit of cold and snow...but just a little.


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