Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Love It or Leave It?

I have no shame in posting projects that I'm feeling iffy about.  Sometimes things don't go quite as you envisioned, and you need some other opinions to justify your own.  Case in point, these votive candle holders I made last night.
I used some leftover French images I had printed onto tissue paper.  I used these for some peat pots I did a couple of weeks ago.  I figured how could I go wrong using them on these candle holders?!
I used the same Mod Podge technique I used for the peat pots.  This time I added some German glass glitter on the images while the Mod Podge was still wet.

I'm just not feeling the love though.  Not sure if it's because the glass glitter is over the images or if it's because the tissue paper is so obvious.  I'm trying to decide whether or not to just start all over again and use transfer stickers instead?!

Decisions, decisions...



  1. I think they look good and I bet they are really pretty with a candle glowing inside! If you don;t like seeing the tissue paper, maybe you could antique the paper a little. Or, next time, let the tissue cover the entire votive. I think, however, they are great as is!

  2. I say redo it, if you are not happy with it. I like the writing/print

  3. I like it! I like the frosty feeling...and the candle would glow lovely inside it. I know what you mean about not feeling a project after completing it...I do this every once and a while and it really bothers me.

  4. I really like how they look! Maybe they don't look good in person but I'm just not seeing anything in the pictures that looks bad at all! Super cute idea! Have a lovely day! ~ Jamie

  5. I think the contrast between clear glass and a frosted design appearance throughs them out of wack. I hate when that happens, but it's all part of the process.

  6. .....throughs them out of wack?! Where did I learn to speak/write english?


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