Friday, March 29, 2013

Amazing What a Little Paint Can Do

I bought these lanterns from Home Goods about 5-6 years ago.  We use them on our porch but they started to rust a bit.  I didn't want to do dump them, so...
I gave them a fresh new look with a couple of coats of this robin's egg spray paint.  Rust-Oleum, I believe.
I'm going with a beach theme on the porch this summer and now they will fit perfectly with my vision.  And speaking of paint, my hubby finally re-painted our bedroom.  I'll post about that soon but here is a quick peak of the angel wings I got from Decor Steals a few weeks ago on my freshly painted wall.
The color is a soft melon.  It's what we originally had but through the years, the walls got dirty, had tons of nail holes, etc.  So now instead of looking at dirty walls and spackle spots, I can admire the fresh coat of paint.



  1. Those lanterns are pretty! I'm glad you were able to revive them with a new paint color. Love those wings!

    Have a great Easter! I hope you have nice weather. Ours is forecast to be about 55 but with rain. I'll take rain over snow any day, though!

  2. LOVE those angel wings...hoping they offer them again soon!


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