Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lucky No. 7

It's cold and stormy here yet again, but I'm definitely thinking of summer.  Wouldn't these be great for sipping some lemonade on a beautiful, warm summer day?
Someone added the No. 7 clipart to Pinterest.  I downloaded it onto sticker paper.  Before cutting and adding to my recycled Starbucks bottles, I gave them a coat of clear spray paint.
Cut, stick and done!  The only real messy part is getting the Starbucks label completely off.  I actually made 4 but I only had the three ready when I snapped the photos.  The straws are from Target.  A clearance find for 99 cents!



  1. Such a cute idea. I love the clip art you used.

  2. Very clever! I bought those same cute straws in different colors. I thought the grand-girls would like them when they visit this summer. I definitely remember your old blog. thank you so much for dropping by. :)

  3. Super cute idea - your bottles turned out lovely!

  4. I have a ton of these starbucks bottles to turn into something, but I put them aside because I was frustrated at trying to get the labels off. Yours turned out awesome!


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