Thursday, April 11, 2013

Recipes at Your Fingertips

I must have over 20 recipe books in my house.  Sad part is, I hardly ever use them.  Each book seems to be filled with recipes we ripped out of magazines, printed off the computer, etc.  And now with Pinterest, I have a hundred or more recipes bookmarked on my computer.  I needed an easier way to keep our favorite recipes handy without having to dig through piles of pages.
I used some off-white cardstock to make these quick - and handy! - recipe cards.
I used DaFont to add the word recipe into a simple Word document.  Then I just added some lines and printed out onto my cardstock.  I cut each to my desired size, and added some Frenchy stamps to each side.  Pretty easy right?
What I think is my genius moment, is adding the metal ring.  With the metal ring, I can easily hang it in the kitchen for when I need it, and I can add more recipes when I have the time.

It's less bulky and a quick grab for when I don't want to spend time flipping through all of those recipe books.

Linking to French Country Cottage: Feathered Nest Friday.



  1. Hello, Jeanine!
    Love your recipes cards.
    What a great idea to add the metal ring! So easy to make and so practical.

  2. what a great idea...and so pretty, too!

  3. Love your cards.. great idea... I need to do this for my often used ones that are stuck in a wishes

  4. I love this idea, Jeanine, and you made the cards so pretty too!

  5. Love your recipe ring and you made it so pretty too. Pretty is always better. I have a ton of cookbooks too that I go to for a few if not only one recipe. This is a great idea! Thanks for visiting and following No Place Like Home. Following through GFC. Blessings!

  6. They are adorable!! I would love for you to link up at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase.

    Just follow the link....



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