Monday, May 13, 2013

Buggy Lavender Sachets

Happy Monday everyone!  The hubby should be home in a day or two and we're very excited.  I haven't been able to do much crafting but I did make these sweet buggy lavender sachets last night.
I sell sachets in my Etsy shop in sets of three.  I had these two leftover and not one to let things go to waste, I turned them into dryer sachets for our house.
I hand-stamped a dragonfly on one and bumble bees on the other.  I'm not a huge fan of bugs in my outdoor life, but I do love them for home decor.

I can't wait to use these on our linens.  I love the smell of lavender and it does promote a restful sleep - something I could use more of!



  1. Very pretty! These would be great in a linen closet, too.

  2. I love the lavender, too! I have a bunch of these little bags, and have had such mixed luck trying to stamp them! I almost always end up with a bunch of excess ink on them! Yours turned out great!

  3. Happy to hear your honey will be home soon!


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