Saturday, May 25, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's been cold (!) and rainy here since Thursday.  Boo!  Not exactly a great start to the holiday weekend. 
The garage sales are few and far between.  I spent $2 this morning for this lovely statue of St. Theresa.  And that's it.  At least I have some time to work on some new items for my Etsy shop.
Framed Jane Austen silhouette on French paper.
New clothes pins.
Skeleton key lavender sachets.
Wood tags.
Hoping for blue skies and warm weather for the rest of the weekend!


  1. Sounds like our dreary weather! Yesterday was drizzly but I got some good deals on garage sales -- I think people were just cold and tired and wanted to get rid of everything! Love all you've made for your shop -- especially those clothespins!

  2. fun stuff girl!!

    hugs and blessings


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