Saturday, June 8, 2013

Scenes from the Country Living Fair

After two days of rain, the sun came out and we headed on out to the Country Living magazine fair in Rhinebeck, NY.
This big guy greets you as you head in.
Love the huge cover posters!  My little men were my models.
Tons and tons of booths.  We weren't sure where to start!
Most were set up in old barns on the fairgrounds.
Saw a lot of grain sack bags, dish towels, etc.
And tons of frames, letters, old silverware.
This booth had a bunch of pillows and runners with images we all know and love from The Graphics Fairy.
Kitchen set-up for a live demonstration.
More goodies.

I'll share my finds tomorrow.  I didn't go crazy.  Some of the prices were a bit too steep for me.  And it was a little disappointing because it was so crowded, you really didn't have time to look through everything.  Some booths we couldn't even get into.  If we go again next year, I'm making sure we get there first thing in the a.m. to avoid the crowds.



  1. It sounds like a good day! Looks like there was lots to see. I get a bit overwhelmed and have to come up with a walking plan when I go to these things.

  2. Thanks for the tour and the tips! I miss fairs like this and everything that goes along with them; yummy food, games for the kids, and of course, all the booths!


  3. Thanks for this...always interesting to see and read what is happening in the rest of the world..can't even afford to go to that sort of thing's way too steeply priced, not exactly thirfting..but there were some lovelies that you caught, like those paintings on wood with the black background..want!


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