Friday, July 12, 2013

Before & After: Fleur de Lis Candle Holders

I'm not sure where I picked up these fleur de lis candle holders.  I believe it was a couple of years ago at Big Lots.  Anywho, the candles got a little icky and wouldn't light anymore.
The glass has a kind of iridescent glow to it.  A little boring if you ask me so I got busy preparing for a quickie makeover.  After removing all of the gross wax, I gave each a couple of coats of flat white spray paint.
And here they are now!  Sooooooo much better and more my style.
I gave one a Paris address tag tied on with twine.  The other has some French book paper.
And a tag and French clothes pin.
I love the milky white color now.  They almost look ceramic.

I think they still make for some nice candle holders, but wouldn't they be cute to hold office pens, plants, etc.?!



  1. What a great idea! I was thinking the same thing, that they would be perfect to hold pencils and pens. I love fleur de lis anything!!

  2. Nice, good ideas! Really could use for just about anything!!

  3. Beautiful!
    You are so creative :)
    Come visit my studio tour and join my Give-A-Way.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  4. Genius! I love your creativity. Thanks for sharing.

  5. It's amazing how much better the design stands out now in the white! Looks great and nice update to something you already had.


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