Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Tried It!

I found a "recipe" on Pinterest for "aging" metal.  It sounded easy enough so I decided to give it a go on some metal clips I picked up at Hobby Lobby.
The one on the left is the "aged" one and the one on the right is a regular one.
This photo might be better!  Huge difference, right?!  All you do for the aged look is use some sandpaper on the piece you want to age.  I scuffed mine in random places.  Then add to a cup of equal parts bleach and vinegar (do this outside as the fumes are noxious).  I left mine in for a few hours, rinsed a few times and then let bake in the sun.  I'm loving the look!
And speaking of loving new looks, this is the muffin tin I picked up on Friday.  After a few coats of white paint, it's the perfect organizer for my craft room.  And here's the petite frame I also picked up from the thrift store.
I have it hanging in the tea room.  I'm using small frames to cover up the gaps in the wood.  I gave it a few coats of white paint and switched out the old photo for this great Eiffel Tower one.

No garage sales this weekend for me.  I just didn't want to brave the heat.  Linking to The Creative Home & Garden Hop.



  1. I love the way your clip turned out.

    I am a new follower via Bloglovin, GFC and Pinterest from Little Homestead on the Hill's Bloghop. I hope you will follow me back at:

    I am also trying to build a freestanding website for my postcard shop. If you could stop by and show it some love I would so appreciate it. It is at

    Blessings and I look forward to more great tips!

  2. Love your tip. I am a new follower from the blog hop. I am following you via bloglovin, GFC and pinterst.

    I would love it if you would follow me back at:


  3. It did work! Half the time I'm surprised when the tips on Pinterest actually work. This really did age the clip though.

    Thanks for linking up to The Creative Home & Garden hop. : )

  4. I love these ideas Jeanine. I may as well spray my muffin pans because I certainly don't use them for baking anymore! Haha. Thanks for visiting me. Nice to meet you. Am following now.

  5. Please be careful when mixing vinegar and bleach. It's releases dangerous and caustic chlorine gas!! Never do this indoors and don't breathe the fumes. I was taught in art school to use vinegar as a "stop" for bleaching fabric. Didn't realize the danger until I burned my throat and lungs working too closely to a strong solution.


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