Sunday, August 18, 2013

Candy Corn Starbucks Bottles

I can't believe school starts here in two weeks!  It's going to be hard to get some crafting in during that time so forgive me if I don't post a lot and don't get a chance to visit.  Once the kiddos are back in school, I'll have more time to whip up some fall pieces like these.
Yup, these are Starbucks coffee bottles.  A lot of fun to envision but kind of a pain to paint.  I had to break out the newspaper, painter's tape and paint brushes for these.  Way too much work for me.  I'm more of a spray-it-once-or-twice-and-it's-done kind of gal.
But I have been wanting to make something like this all summer.  First I started by doing the coat of white paint.  Then I moved onto the orange.  Those two coats were done with spray paint.  Since I didn't have yellow spray paint, I had to hand-paint the bottoms. 
They are a little sloppy in some areas but overall, you get the idea.  Plus the black tea-stained seam binding hides a gap and an oopsie or two.

I plan on using these as candle holders for October.  Okay, probably September.  Yes, I'm one of those people who starts their fall decorating right after Labor Day.



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