Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Acorns and Mason Jars

What do you do when you have thousands upon thousands of acorns and their caps in your yard?  If you're me, you scoop them up and use them for some autumn-inspired candles!
Yes, I actually went around the yard scooping up these little acorn caps that seem to fall day and night thanks to our mighty oak - and some squirrels and raccoons.
I added them to some small Mason jars with pumpkin-scented (yum!) votives to create some super easy autumn-inspired candle holders.
I finished up by adding some orange tea-stained seam binding. Perfect for fall!  

I can't wait to light them up on a cool autumn night!



  1. Very pretty! They go great with the candles, too, so you've got a Fall sight and smell thing going on here. : )

    Just in case you didn't know, the acorns themselves have a bug or worm that winds up coming out of them. If you are just using the caps you are okay, but if you are using the acorns from the yard, word in blogland is to bake them to kill whatever is inside. I took some pinecones off the bush we removed this weekend and, even though I never heard anything about bugs with them, I put them in the freezer before I put them out.

  2. Oh my god, that's disgusting! I'm keeping them outside so shouldn't be a problem. I had been wondering about the bug thing. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Well even if they have bugs they are still very cute! LOL....sisters can always come up with something!



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