Friday, September 6, 2013

Thrifty Finds

I was able to pop in to my favorite church thrift store this morning. Look at the goodies that I picked up for a mere $5.
I never ever pass up a bag of buttons!  I'm not sure what the ceramic piece is supposed to be but I love the French writing so I grabbed it.  It has a plastic topper?!
The cat head reminds me of vintage Halloween decorations.
The pyrex piece is definitely going to get a spooky Halloween makeover.  I'm thinking something along the lines of a mad scientist. The little lantern is also scheduled for a quick makeover.
I couldn't pass up the wood pumpkin since I'm starting to put out some fall pieces on our porch.
Not a bad haul if I do say so myself!



  1. great finds

    I would have picked those all up also if I had gotten there first LOL

  2. Love the Halloween stuff you found. I wonder if you can translate the French that is on the bottle; it might give a clue as to what it was used for. I hit an estate sale today and got a couple of ceramic pumpkins {for the booth}. $8.00 for 3 good size ones, too. So I'm happy, although I do need to get some furniture.

  3. Nice thrifty finds. I grab anything with french writing on it too.

  4. Love the cat..definitely vintage..the front page of Etsy had a similar era pumpkin on sale for $50 or so...good score..
    Maille is mustard, so you have a mustard pot there..the French simply know how to package their commodities!


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